Provide Customers with a Functional Navigation Tool
Increase Your Annual Financial Profits
Maximise Your Advertisement & Promotional Efficiency
Advertise the City of Athens as a Great Travel Destination
Hoteliers Athens

A printed guide for Athens that boosts the natural curiosity about the city and facilitate highly the exploration of the urban environment.

A Panoramic, "bird's eye" view, that delivers through a splendid and accurate visualisation, a maximum understanding of the urban terrain in the minimum time.

An easy to read and user friendly map that depicts a complete view of the city, while emphasising on all worth visiting points for the visitor.


The illustrated map we offer, is not a simple artistic representation.                                                   

It constitutes  a precise, in scale, 3D panoramic view of the city, visualising through the illustration all the topographical, architectural and cultural details.   It displays and highlights all points of interest in a pleasant and readable way and can be safely used as a guide map for navigation in the urban area by the visitor.

Highly appreciated by the reader, for their usability and aesthetic value,  our illustrated maps are all ways the first and best choice, especially for the travellers, since they constitute a tool that can minimise the stress of navigation and excite the exploration mood.                                                   

Embedded value of our illustrated maps, contribute in hospitality services, that certainly could be utilised to meet the following, constantly present, professional needs of hotel operations:


Your visitor's need to find their way through the city, is met by a unique artwork of the highest topographic accuracy, that stands beyond and above anything else.  The whereabouts of monuments, museums, transportation, as well as the exact location of your hotel (if located within the area depicted in our map), are presented in a most accurate, colourful and joyful way.

B. INCREASE YOUR ANNUAL FINANCIAL PROFITS                                                                              

Our illustrated maps are fully marketable touristic items, specially designed as a unique navigational tools of great efficiency and  pictorial prestige, a "must have" gadgets to be easily sold to the visitor in mass scale. Each one of the visitors you host every year is a potential buyer of the map. By promoting its availability during customer handling in reception, you can be sure that a constant flow of sales will be generated, adding to your income a certain and considerable annual profit in permanent basis.


Our illustrated maps have a highly aesthetic value, apart from their usability as walking guides, both properties which allows them to stay in the hands of the visitor for a longer time than any other printed form of advertisement that ever produced. 
In a bulk order of a customised edition specifically for your hotel ( with your advertisement and info on it ), the final cost per piece is so small that can easily be included in your room's price.        
Our maps, due to their aesthetic and practical value, are impossible to be disposed by their recipients, therefore each map that surely departs in the baggage of a visitor of yours, is an illustrated ambassador of your presence and location, addressed to a whole lot more  people, all over the world.


A  logical obligation for every single professional or company, especially if activating in hospitality services , to advertise the city it self, can be fulfilled  by presenting  a monumental cartographic work for the city, adequate to its great cultural and historical status and equal to the tradition of illustrated cartographic works of the golden era.

An added value that is missing can now be acquired by your customers.
A piece of artistic work able to  elevate in the highest level the city’s icon as a world heritage site and architectural marvel, can be fused with your professional presence so as to advertise your hospitality services in the most profitable and elegant way. 
Contact us to find a solution tailored to your needs and according to the number of visitors you serve annually. 

Yours sincerely

Epameinondas Kaiafas

Master Cartographer - illustrator

director of TERRA NAVIGA

Address  Georgiou Stokkou 12, 2024

Strovolos, Nicosia Cyprus

Mob. 00357 97667037

Email: [email protected]

Wall Calendars - Book Calendars (Agenda)
Notebooks Dossiers
Cart Postal in various sizes
Puzzles for all ages (in big pieces)
Special Prints
Sculptured printings on thick luxury paper with the main themes sculptured on it.
Silk printings on fabric.

Presentational - Navigational CD-ROM which will give the ability to click on the themes, to watch Interactive Videos of the Monuments (inside and outside) accompanied by a narration.

Terra Naviga creates topologically correct illustrated maps of any city with outstanding detail and artistic projection for optimal viewing pleasure!
Terra Naviga maakt topologisch correcte geïllustreerde kaarten van elke stad met uitstekende details en artistieke projectie voor optimaal kijkplezier!
Terra Naviga crée des cartes illustrées topologiquement correctes de n'importe quelle ville avec des détails exceptionnels et une projection artistique pour un plaisir visuel optimal!
Terra Naviga erstellt topologisch korrekte illustrierte Karten jeder Stadt mit herausragenden Details und künstlerischer Projektion für optimales Sehvergnügen!
Terra Naviga создает топологически правильные иллюстрированные карты любого города с выдающейся детализацией и художественной проекцией для оптимального удовольствия от просмотра!
Terra Naviga crea mappe illustrate topologicamente corrette di qualsiasi città con dettagli eccezionali e proiezioni artistiche per un piacere visivo ottimale!
All Content © Terra Naviga
Epameinondas Kaiafas
Master designer - Owner of Terra Naviga
Georgiou Stokkou 12 Strovolos, Nicosia, Cyprus
Mobile: +357.97667037
[email protected]